Eastern Recycling Bins
Eastern Recycling is a privately owned business located in Ringwood (adjacent to East Link) in Palmerston Road West, just off Heatherdale Road. We provide a range of recycling facilities to process hard waste from our local and surrounding communities.
Unlike similar recycling facilities, Eastern REcycling endeavours to do the work for you, though you are welcome when unloading to separate your waste into the relevant categories for recycling…it’s your choice.
If you don’t have any means of bringing your waste to us, call and discuss having a one of our waste bins delivered to your premises. We will then pick-up the bin and separate its contents for recycling.
Why recycle?
Recycling is no longer a matter of personal conscience. Although each of us do our bit automatically every week without thinking, the government has been for some time now applying ever increasing levies on waste into landfill, to encourage recycling and re-use. These levies now carry a carbon tax. As of July 2012 approximately $70 + GST of landfill fees are taxes and levies.
For more on recycling go to ‘The Cost of Recycling and the Waste Recycling Industry’
What ‘can’ and ‘can’t’ be recycled?
For what we can and can’t accept and process at our facility, see our ‘Our Waste Regulations’ to the right of this page.
Bin Sizes Available
What size bin do I need? Click here for more details.